We will miss her. A wonderful person that knew this breed better than any. She has the BEST Shelties, a wonderful example of the breed and only bred the best and loved them all.
We love you April, I know you will take care of the ones we have to send to the bridge.
We thank you all for the donations sent to help to continue to help those homeless shelties and shelties that families are no longer able to keep. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Shelties are the best and the people that love them.
Mid Fl Sheltie Rescue
From All of us that have in our hearts a love for this breed.

Saturday at 1 PM - 4 PM—Pinellas Park
A gathering to honor April will be held at the Dunford home. If you'd like, you can bring a dish-to-pass to the gathering.
Due to the number of people expected, please plan to leave your fur kids at home and carpool if possible.
Please RSVP to Lorrie Reed at lorriereed@tampabay.rr.com or Diane Miles at sheltieluvr@earthlink.net
In lieu of flowers, donations to Sheltie Rescue will be greatly appreciated:
Mid-Florida Sheltie Rescue
c/o Barbara Davis
1480 Meadowbrook Rd. NE
Palm Bay, FL 32905
It is part of the National Sheltie Rescue Organization, and a non-profit 501c. You can also donate online at: www.midflsheltierescue.com.

There just are not adequate words to say how much we will miss April Dunford. The thousands of photos I've sent over the years of Sly, Odie and the honorary Summerlove poodle, Splash. Through their silly antics, mischievousness or illness April was a part of our lives, her quick wit would have us laughing at her comeback, her knowledge of dogs and people and how to fit the 2 for a perfect match was a skill I never figured out. She was willing to share her dog wisdom if you were willing to learn. Even though we live so far away I loved her so much.
I am thankful for the times and laughs I shared with her. My life is richer and fuller through the dogs she entrusted to us, the dog sports she helped me become involved in and the people I met because of that. I am thankful to have known her and it's why it hurts so much to lose her.
I didn't just get a Summerlove dog, I felt like I became a part of a special Summerlove family.
April, I will still take photos and i will still laugh at my dogs silly antics and I will wonder what you would've had to say..........the love lives on in every dog you ever placed.
Maureen Koepp

This is how I will always remember April. Attending to our Summerlove babies. Showing us how to fix those ears, groom those coats, and love them so much. April, you also, were loved by all of us.
Nancy Roy

April Dunford Bailey and Ace are going to miss Grandma. So will our Mom and Dad . Till we meet you at the Rainbow bridge your forever in our hearts❤ love from Linda and Craig Swanson and Bailey and Ace ❤
Linda Giddens Swanson

Flash, Abby, Taylor and I will miss you April Dunford, thank you so much for my sweet babies and for all of your help and advice. You were the best!
Peggy Reilly Payne

A family of three. What a special reunion in April's back yard. Our DesiRae, middle with her Dad, (CJ)on the left. Her Mom Lucy on the right. Wonderful times to remember.
Ruth Brickzin

Remembering special moments with April Dunford.
I will always cherish our extraordinary friendship and the wonderful memories of the time we spent together.
Alison Wilde

April you brought Angel into my life. She was my best friend. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge Mar 9, 2015 and now you are there to share fun times with her and all your fur babies. Licks and paws from all Shelties!!!
Anita C Scott

The Sheltie world has lost a wonderful woman. Like others I, too, believe she is enjoying all the shelties that have crossed the rainbow bridge. Enjoy all the pups you haven't seen in awhile, April. You will be truly missed.
Donna Lovenbury Arthurs

Remembering special moments with April Dunford.
I will always cherish our extraordinary friendship and the wonderful memories of the time we spent together.
Alison Wilde

Remembering special moments with April Dunford.
I will always cherish our extraordinary friendship and the wonderful memories of the time we spent together.
Alison Wilde

Sending our heartfelt sympathy to April's family. She brought our gorgeous amazing Dexter into our lives when we were stricken with grief over the loss of one of our sheltie babies. Dexter has brought so much joy into our lives. He is not just beautiful, but smart, well adjusted, and perfect. God speed wonderful lady and thank you. May you be at peace with your pups. Debbie, Dave and "Dexter" Laliberte.

Carmine and The Small Family send our condolences—with Allison Klein Small.
Howard J. Small

Grief fills the Sheltie community. A hero has been lost.
Eric and Ginger Goepper

April Dunford and Summerlove Shelties have enriched the lives of so many humans and Shelties. Consistently raising well balanced and socialized litters and developing them to their full potential, always with love. Our hope is that she can now look down upon us from on high and see how much love she has shared with so many. We are honored and proud to have met this wonderful woman and to be blessed with two of her pups, Zoe and Presley. God Speed.
Vance Perry

April Dunford is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Such a compassionate person who absolutely loved what she did. Never mind she was so good at it. Loving her
Dogs and caring for them. Making sure the dogs she placed in homes were well cared for before she let them go. I have never gotten a dog from anyone with such a huge heart as hers. April, I pray that you are with all the babies you loved on and you all are together again. You will be missed. Thank you for blessing our family with your love. Thank you for DesiRae.♡
Ruth Brickzin

April will truly be missed. She was not just a breeder of dogs but a lover of dogs. The Shelties will not be the same without her.
—feeling sad.
Jim Adamek

Blazer, Jack and the Cerf Family were saddened to hear of April's passing. She will be missed dearly by everyone - two legged and four legged! The dogs still got excited when we'd say "do you want to go to April's house"?

April, my girls are thankful for you and all you do too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We love you!
Alison Wilde

Happy Thanksgiving, to you and Ken and your pack. Thank you for granting us the opportunity to bring Zoe and Presley into our homes, and for all the work you do raising such well socialized and balanced Shelties. These two added zest to Rumi's last year with us, and they are great companions for our 2 1/2 year old grandson as they have watched him grow from newborn. Bless you and all that you do.

April’s Angels!
Cher Seddon Drury – Saint Petersburg, FL – In Memory of April
Janet Dydo – Bradenton, FL – In Loving Memory of April Janet, Bob, Frankie and Rikki Dydo
Theresa Colbert – Clearwater, FL – In honor of April Dunford
Jacqueline Evans – St. Petersburg, FL – In Memory of April Dunford Summerlove Shelties
Training Ventures – In loving memory of April Dunford – Val Rutledge
Anna Eddington – In memory of April Dunford. Thank you, Anna Eddington
Jean Marie West
Ginger Goepper
Mr and Mrs Smith
Mr and Mrs Ragland
Francis and Mary Ann Lannen
Paul and Candace Couglin
Carol Strotheide
Mr and Mrs George
Nancy Roy
Sandra Langan
Lynn Richardson
Rob Rohrbaugh
Mark Held – In Loving Memory of April Dunford Love, Deuce, Kelli, Marty, Mark and Sherry Held
Charlyn Davis – In honor of April Dunford Summerlove Shelties